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How to Drain a Well Water Pressure Tank



A well water pressure tank is an integral part of a domestic well water system. That is how it supplies and stores pressurized water within the building. Silt and other minerals also settle at the bottom of the tank, which decreases the tank's water holding capacity. Such deposits reduce the tank's efficiency; therefore, draining and flushing restore the best performance. The information provided in this article is a step-by-step guide on the correct procedure to discharge a well water pressure tank. A little knowledge about when to empty the tank will go a long way in its utilization, and if there is any problem, it will be known.

There are a few signs indicating it's time to drain your well water pressure tank:

- Reduced flow rates through the fixtures

- Change in water pressure--may be a drastic reduction

- Pump is more frequently switched on and off

- Tank produces some noises, like hissing or knocks

- Leakage on the tank fittings, or some part of the tank has rusted

- Maintenance – drain the well water pressure tank every 3 to 5 years


Safety Precautions

The process of pressure tank discharge can be very risky if not done correctly.

Here are some essential safety measures to take:

- The first thing that must be done is to turn off the circuit breaker that controls the power supply to the pump.

- Close the shut-off valve to shut off the cold-water supply.

- Make sure that there is no pressure inside the tank before you take off any of the fittings or connections that are to be made.

- Inspect electrical connections to verify that wires are correctly terminated or sufficiently capped.

- Avoid contact with any corrosive material to your eyes, hands, feet, and skin.

Draining the Tank

Follow these key steps to drain your well water pressure tank:

Termination of Power and Water Supply

Begin by turning off the circuit breaker that powers the well pump you wish to service. This allows you to operate on the system while minimizing the risks of causing harm. Turn off the intake valve prior to the pressure tank to avoid the further influx of water in the system during the draining process.


Relieve Air Pressure

On the top or side of the tank, you will find the air pressure valve. Gradually release the air from the tank by applying pressure to the valve and releasing it until no more hissing can be heard. It is equally dangerous to ventilate air because pressure can blow off if the valve is defective.


Disconnect Piping

When the pressure gauge reads zero, and the hissing sound ceases, it indicates that the pressure is off; then, use the wrenches to unscrew the fittings where pipes are attached to the tank. Ensure that piping is disconnected from tank ports without bending or damaging the ends of the pipes in any way.


Position Drainage Hose

The last process is to connect a drainage hose to the drain port of the tank. Ensure that it will effectively cover the drainage area. You should pick an appropriate place to drain the tank, for example, outside on the grass.

Open Drain Valve

With the hose placed where water can easily be channeled away from the house perimeter, gradually open the drain valve. This allows water to flow out of the tank by gravity.

Rinse Interior

After the solution has drained, turn the drain valve off. The inlet piping should be fitted with a garden hose and the interior sprayed to remove deposits. Pump out the rinse water through the tank and the drain valve.

Reinstall the Tank

Pull the drag tank back into position, reconnect the piping to the inlet and outlet ports, then open the shutoff valves. Leave the drain valve open and turn on the power to the pump for the remaining air and sediment removal as the tank fills up. After water passes through without contact with air, turn off the drain valve. The tank should now work fine.

Signs to Look for to Stop Proceeding

If your tank is leaking, has serious corrosion issues, or cannot retain the water capacity after it has been drained or emptied, you should contact a well service company. Replacement may be necessary. This reduces the system's useful lifespan, but tanks have a finite amount of time before they need to be replaced. Only a professional can decide if some part needs repair or if it is better to replace it.



In most cases, draining the well water pressure tank is effective in washing the sediment and regaining the functionalities that the tank may have lost over the years. Just be sure to use proper safety measures, adhere to the procedure, and dispose of the emptied fluids correctly. Such work may be done independently instead of calling for service. But some tank or system problems can only be solved by a qualified professional. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult one of the thriving companies in your area to check your tank and the system.



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